Han Yang


CW Chu College

The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Hong Kong SAR, 999077

I am a third-year undergraduate student at The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK), majoring in Computer Science. Currently, I am fortunate to be advised by Prof. Chuang Gan at the MIT-IBM Watson AI Lab. Prior to this, I was also honored to be advised by Prof. Chi-Wing Fu at CUHK.

My research interests lie in the multi-modality learning across vision, language and audio. Throughout my research experience, I have gained a wide range of knowledge in various aspects of deep learning. Under the supervision of Prof. Chi-Wing Fu, I focused on low-level vision, self-supervised learning and semi-supervised learning area. With Prof. Chuang Gan, I have further expanded my work to include audio processing, autoencoders, generative models (e.g., diffusion model) and large language models.


  1. preview_silt.png
    SILT: Shadow-aware Iterative Label Tuning for Learning to Detect Shadows from Noisy Labels
    Han Yang*Tianyu Wang*, Xiaowei Hu, and 1 more author
    In Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision, 2023